Posts tagged patriot ledger
Interview - Patriot Ledger - Duxbury-raised singer Juliana Hatfield gets band back together

Chad Berndtson, for The Patriot Ledger:

I had planned to ask you about why it was the right time to create new music for the Juliana Hatfield Three, but it sounds like you had the music first and the Three just became the project. Still, why a new album? That you were reuniting with this band probably would be enough to get folks out.


I like to be productive and put out new music, for sure. I like to be engaged and produce new stuff. As we got to thinking about a new record, I was thinking, if we’re going to tour, we might as well have something new to offer people and keep the thing from being purely a nostalgia trip. We’re updating the sound in the 21st century and giving some new energy to the old songs.